Pearls and boots and not much more

You can’t watch yourself outside your body right, at least not without using some nifty video work. Obvious though this point seems I think it was at the seat of how shocking and arousing it was to watch Leo shafting my wife. Sure Sue and I had screwed some in our life but you are just too close in. You can’t concentrate on the entirety of the thing, just how horny and perfect it is. You get to the point where the sensations are too much and then you are shut in to your own orgasm. In a sense everything runs towards that one selfish, personal event, that sweet relief. When you are cuckolded you get all this differently. The sex isn’t just the petting and the pumping in the bedroom. It is the ritual thing too, something that might last days. You see it from outside as it were, looking in and if you’re bloody honest with yourself, you concede that someone else does it better with your missus than you do. You grudgingly concede that she is happier on his cock than yours.
If the trad lover gets lost in his orgasm then the cuckold gets lost in his emotions. He ponders just who he is and what he’s worth. It’s like going to the movies and not being allowed to leave when the plot of the film doesn’t go the way you wanted it. The truth is though you watch the film anyway. You need to come to terms with the voyeur thing, all those terrible doubts about your wife marrying down.
Sue was ready to go with Leo, I knew that. She pouted at him, made bigger efforts with her clothes if we went out to the pub together. She even asked me what I thought would get Leo stiff and I told her about his penchant for women in boots. So she wore a provocative high heeled pair and suggested that she was just cock teasing the guy, but we both knew that was a fib. I knew Leo of old, knew that he took women off other men. I’d seen the guy in the shower after one of our football matches- with what he packed in his pants, Sue would be utterly addicted to the man.
We were down the pub one afternoon and Sue mentioned that her watch battery had given out and that she needed to be on time to meet up with girlfriends later that night. Gallant Leo unclipped his Cartier chronograph from around his wrist and fixed it around hers. It looked chunky, chic and showy- like the man himself. Sue loved it and asked if she could keep it. The question wasn’t entirely in jest and Leo smiled and said yes, if she was his from now on. ‘OK’ she giggled and gave me this saucy look from beneath her auburn fringe, ‘you don’t mind do you Paul.’ I didn’t answer, just grinning stupidly. Leo took that as a no though, I really didn’t mind…just as long as I could help out some way.
We had the late afternoon to ourselves and as Leo’s place was just round the corner we went there. I could tell he wanted to test out his dominance and Sue wondered exactly what he would dare to do. She wondered whether I would cave in instantly, letting him fuck her because black guys are best. Her skin shivered with excitement. Leo gave the orders, there in the living room. ‘Take off the lady’s blouse and bra man…don’t make me fucking well have to tell you everything.’ I took her things off, I took down her short skirt, helped her step out of her thong and then she was left there, in the watch, the boots and a string of pearls about her throat, nothing more.
I watched Leo’s hand go to her sex. I watched his fingers hook inside her and heard her gasp. He gently drew her to him, in that way and they kissed eagerly. You don’t realise about physique until you see a close up comparison. Sue slim and petite and Leo big chested from the gym. He started to delve inside her, his thumb brushing her clitty and she responded pushing rhythmically against him. ‘Get my snake out man…come on!’ he snapped as though I was some sort of imbecile. I did as he said, I unzipped his fly and pulled out the throbbing, disgusting, engorged manhood that he tucked away down there. I drew Sue’s hand to it and she started to stroke the same, cooing her affection. The spontaneity of it, her lust for him utterly deflated me…in an instant!
‘Make him suck your cock’ Sue whispered. Another thunder bolt. Where did that come from?! Where did she mine those thoughts? We’d never talked like this. We’d never play acted. I thought shit, what have the other girls suggested to her- what did they get up to and recommend?
I was close too then and Leo did press my head down to his knob. I resisted for a second or two, appalled at the idea and yet intoxicated by the scent and the excitement.
‘Suck it man…’.
I took just the crown inside my mouth, the bare, quivering bulbous crown. It was bloody massive. I remember dribbling some spittle onto it, pretending that I would just lick that, across the surface. Leo grabbed my mane though and shoved his cock half shaft into my mouth, swearing that if I bit he would knock my head off. As I started to work his erection, they began to pet and snog, his big hands working across her erect nipples. She was watching me suck the guy and pushed my hair back so that she could things clearly.
‘You have complete control don’t you’ she murmured and kissed him again.
The scent and the taste was overwhelming right then. I could smell the expensive leather of Sue’s boots, smell her salty arousal at the thought of him and tasted the wild garlic of his member, working slowly, leisurely in and out of my mouth.
‘I want you…’ she whispered urgently to him, ‘I want you now.’
Leo disengaged from me- his tool dripping spittle. He lay back on the sofa and Sue straddled his member, opening her sex lips in the hope that somehow she would take him whole straight off. It seemed a vain hope, she was tiny by comparison, and practice would surely be required. Watching her lower herself onto him, hearing her wince as she accommodated the snake head, made me yelp. I couldn’t help it- I just made this noise. It didn’t stop her though, she pushed down onto it mid shaft and that brought her nipples to Leo’s mouth. He lapped them and she screamed. ‘Best get this over with babe’ he growled, and dragged her down onto him full shaft. The scream that Sue gave out would lift a roof…suffixed with ‘oh darling…’ as she painfully started to lance herself on his member. ‘No going back babe…let’s get you loosened up properly’ he said, pulling her down again and again on his tool.
I watched Leo’s big hands superintend her up and down, up and down. Now when she sank full shaft on him she ground there, wriggling her hips to sense the stretching girth of the guy. ‘I’m going to come…I can’t stop it’ she confessed, and Leo said, ‘sure..let it ride babe, you’ll learn to love it.’
That was it wasn’t it. You can’t see this if you’re doing it yourself. You can’t see the pert bottom rise and fall. You can’t appreciate the black leather of her boots against the coffee colour of his skin. You can’t watch her tits bounce like that, you can’t really see her eyes close and her mouth open as the orgasm sweeps over her. Sue threw back her head and groaned with the force of it, her buttocks spasming as she tried to siphon up any spunk that exploded out of that master member. When he growled through his own orgasm, pinning her to him, she arched her back, clenching onto him welcoming everything. ‘You hot fucking little vixen!’ he exclaimed, feeling his balls start to jolt. I could picture it, spunk exploding upwards, fountain like into her hot little sex and her muscles working to draw it in deeper. She wanted it right up inside her belly, washing around everywhere inside her. He seemed to shoot seed for minutes on end, jerking up into her. She was taking it proud now and glanced back at me as if to say, ‘look what I’m getting’.
I bloody loathed and loved it all at once. She was a different woman, a vamp, someone I had never known. It was as if she was the firework waiting for his match- she only needed the right man to be utterly different. ‘Keep spunking darling…fill my belly’ she begged and he obliged. His balls were still jerking away. It must have been a hell of a load because when she lifted off, her sex was dripping with the stuff. ‘Suck his cock again’ she ordered and I returned to my slimy ministrations, all the time my wife watching me dispassionately as I tasted her on him.
I’d read somewhere that cucks licked their wives out at this stage. But that wasn’t how Sue saw things. Only one thing went near her pussy. I had to take my pleasures indirectly, lathering her pleasure organ. Leo didn’t seem to mind, just as long as I sucked nice and kept him hard for her. Whilst I was giving head Sue smoked a cigarette and watched me, zipping and unzipping one of her boots so the sound played in my head. She was aroused you could see it. She touched her own sex, and licked her fingers afterwards.
Ready for more action Sue reached forward over the back of the sofa. The Cartier slipped down onto her wrist, her neck flushed puce red and she spread her legs for him. Like some bloody regal ocean liner he docked back inside her and started stroking away. It was easier this time, she was lubricated, stretched a fair bit too, and he took her vigorously from the off.
‘Will you tell those other babes that I’m fucking you now’ he asked gripping her hips and banging deep.
She nodded. Perhaps she had already told then what she fancied, what she wanted. This would just be a confirmation that it had happened. Would she say though, ‘oh and my hubby sucked his cock.’ I bloody well hoped not! What were the chances? She’d given in hadn’t she, become a slave to her pussy desires, decided to do anything to satiate that. The only thing mattered was that she got it again and again, deeper and deeper, harder and harder. He got her to the edge of her climax this time and held there, in suspension. His cock was shuddering inside her but he wasn’t stroking.
‘Take your fucking togs out of the lady’s wardrobe you hear man’ he gasped, using the moment to tease her crazily, gyrating with his hips.
‘Yes….of course’ I agreed.
Stroke, stroke, more teasing of my wife.
‘Just keep that fucking wiener willy of yours clear too, do you hear…Sue is mine, right?’
I nodded.
‘Say it man, so the lady can hear!’ he snarled.
‘Sue is yours Leo…she’s too fine for me’ I conceded.
‘Good …good man, that’s right. She’s hot for my cock. She’s Always looking for the best fuck’ he announced.
It must have been driving Sue mad, the imagery of it, his dirty words, the situation that we were in. ‘oh please darling’ she gasped.
Leo said ‘alright’ and they rode to another orgasm together.
I had a headache afterwards, a pounding great headache. It was too much. Sue admired her new watch again and then pulled up her thong. I went to the john before we left and couldn’t help but touch myself in there. It was a shock when Sue appeared immediately behind me, her eyes searching. Perhaps she thought that I would blow my top or something. When I didn’t, she reached forward and took my erection. ‘I’m going to bring you off’ she whispered in my ear, ‘and I’m going to do this whenever I want. If I tell you to get your dick out, you do that, do you hear?’
Well I did hear and it didn’t take a moment. I was ripe and she was deft.
‘There’s not much of it is there…’ she giggled as she milked me.
I couldn’t answer- I was in that other selfish place.
‘There will be less too over time…when you realise just how inadequate you really are.’
Put it away I thought, back in your pants and then walk Sue to the station where she would catch the train into town. We walked along silent at first and strange in each other’s company. Trust me, you’re not the same after that. You think any minute now and she will rescind the event, apologise for a wild fling. But she didn’t. She was playful like a kitten and began asking things.
‘What was it like watching him fuck me?’
I mumbled something about terrible and fantastic, there weren’t really words.
‘How long have you been wanting this to happen Paul’ she continued nonchalantly.
I lied saying no time at all, and we both knew the truth.
‘I want you to move to the spare bedroom OK, so that Leo can come round whenever he wants’ she ventured.
Another nod- I was speechless by now.

It was a chore moving clothes that night, moving out any photos of me so she could enjoy her lover in the master bedroom. One of her god awful bitchy little maiden friends got on Sue’s phone, rang me and laughed at what had happened. ‘You can speak to Adam..’ she said more earnestly, ‘get him to accept that I want better too.’ There was a pause, and then she added, ‘you’re pathetic!’
Sue didn’t make it home that night, she went to Leo’s and slept over. The next day they went up to London together and spent the day there, looking round trendy neighbourhoods. She came home mid evening, I cooked her dinner and then served her a brandy.
‘Do you want to lick me?’ she asked coquettishly.
I said I did, but she laughed and I had to make do with her boots. She just watched me lap away and everything was irreparably different.

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