Doug couldn’t believe he got himself in this situation again. Why couldn’t he just keep his big mouth shut? His wife didn’t take kindly to backtalk or to being late and he was guilty of both.
“If you move your hands from that floor, you’ll get 50 strokes with the cane instead of this hairbrush. Do you understand, Mr. Smartmouth?” Becky hissed sternly.
Doug nodded his head as he lay naked across her lap with his hands and the balls of his feet supporting his weight to prevent too much pressure on her legs. Becky was still wearing the knee-length blue dress, pantyhose and black heels she had been wearing at the hair salon when he picked her up earlier. He knew he was in trouble when he saw the impatient look on her face and the way she had her arms crossed tightly in front of her. Her patent-leather black purse dangled from one arm over the vintage lime green coat that extended just below her knees. She looked like a 1950s housewife with her retro vintage dress and bouffant hairstyle. It was this stylish, retro look that infatuated him since the first time he saw her. She reminded him of a teacher he had in grade school that was his first crush. The first time he had ever masturbated he was thinking about that teacher.
While his prim and proper wife may have looked and acted like a traditional wife in public, she was hardly traditional behind the closed doors of their home. Unless of course, spankings and cornertime for errant husbands was now considered traditional. Or, having sex with the couple next door while your husband waited at home was considered traditional. She was a woman of many contradictions, but there was one thing Doug had no doubt about. He was about to get one hell of a whipping with her trusty wooden hairbrush. It had been a wedding present from her mom with a note saying “Spare the rod, spoil the man”. Whenever her mom visited, she would always ask, “So, has our boy been behaving himself?” Doug wished his wife didn’t always have to tell her mom about the whippings she had given him since the last time they saw her. He could already envision the twinkle in his mo_ther-in-law’s eyes as she listened to how he had been punished this time. She would probably ask, “And did you make him cry again?” She loved to humiliate him. It was no wonder Becky’s dad had left her shortly after Becky graduated from high school.