The Risky Size Game – Part 1

Becca and Brian were a married mid 30’s couple, high school sweethearts. They relished in the fact they were each other’s first and only, something they considered rare and unique when compared to all their friends who had been thru multiple relationships, divorce even. They had two young children who always kept them on their toes, and like most marriages with kids, they had let their sex life dull to once every couple of weeks. Becca was a smokeshow for being a mother of two. She was 115lbs, 5ft 3, cute butt, cute perky breasts, long brown hair, and just a very sexy Hispanic woman. Brian, when compared to a lot of his male friends, coworkers, and former classmates was a catch. He was fit with some decent muscle, 185lbs, 5ft 11, very few grey hairs showing, a deep voice, and he was endowed. In high school, he never realized he was endowed outside of a few male classmates making ‘donkey’ comments. Once he got with Becca and their romance flourished, they took each other’s virginity. Becca never had any problem taking all of him, it seemed like they were fit just perfect for each other. Like most boys who mature into men, they often get a little bigger as well. Still, as the years progressed, their sex life always stayed hot when they actually did it, but Brian found he was having to initiate a bit more and more. Becca could have multiple orgasms and it wasn’t uncommon for her to have 10+ in a full love making session. Brian loved eating her out and dominating her in the bedroom. He loved pounding her into such intense orgasms she would often tap out. He loved seeing her get off, even if it meant he couldn’t finish in her. Sometimes she would have to jerk him off or blow him because she simply couldn’t take anymore. She still couldn’t believe she could take him.

About 3 months ago, they had attended a friends birthday party. Drinks were flowing, couples were getting tipsy, and games were being played from beer pong to corn hole. At some point during the evening, Becca and a few of the other ladies were all talking and the topic turned to sex. One of the girls, Debra, drunk as a skunk, admitted she wished her boyfriend was larger as she struggled to cum. This matched what a few of the other girls said too.

Another girl, Jenna, who was tipsy as well, chimed in. “Um..I think my husband is 8 inches. Sometimes sex is good but sometimes he struggles to last and I have to finish myself off” she responded, then her hand going to her mouth realizing how truthful she had been. “Please don’t tell him that, oh my god”.

Becca and a couple others didn’t really say anything, but Debra was persistent. “Becca, you seem eerily quiet…what are you hiding? ” she asked.

“Oh I just don’t like to talk about this stuff.., I feel like it’s private” Becca responded.

“Oh’s just us girls…we are out here embarrassing ourselves…please give us something!” the Debra said while a few others jumped on in agreement.

“Fine…it’s just I don’t have any issues there. Brian is…plenty enough for me. When we have sex…it’s amazing”. Becca retorted.

“What….is….his…size?” the Debra pressed. The other girls nodded…wanting some kind of juicy gossip out of Becca.

sigh Becca shrugged…. “He is big, I don’t know…he is over 7 inches”. Becca giving a bit of a white lie…not wanting to draw more attention to herself or her husband, hoping this will die down.

“BULLSHIT!” Debra yelled, a bit loud. This caught the attention of the guys nearby who were engrossed in their own conversation about sports. She then whispered to to the girls “Sorry! I just didn’t think he was that big, I always thought he was packing a bit, you know, smaller” she said, with a hiccup and giggle.

“Hey ladies…some of us over here are trying to have in depth important analytical conversations about the game…can you shush a bit” Brian said in a joking manner with a laugh.

“Oh shut up donkey” the Debra snickered back.

Becca looks at Brian, who is clearly confused by the comment.

“Huh” Brian says, not sure if it was some weird Gordon Ramsay joke.

Debra stands up, swaying and slurring her words. “Ohhh ok people…it’s time for a contest. Becca here claims her husband has a big dick, and I think Jenna’s husband is bigger! We all want to see them compare!”

“I said no such thing!” Becca responded, a bit startled by her friends sudden outburst and attention to the topic.

“You said he had a big dick…Jenna says her husband has a big dick…and I WANT TO SEE cause my boyfriend doesn’t”, she said with another giggle and a hiccup.

Debra’s boyfriend getting red in the face among the guys which included Brian and Jenna’s husband.

“This is stupid girls, nobody is doing this shit” Brian said out loud, with Jenna’s husband agreeing with him.

Becca’s drunk friend chimed in again “oh…sounds like two chicken shit men not willing to be real men! I’ll make it fun…$50 to the man with the biggest dick!”

There was a bit of silence in the room, as the offer made it a bit more real even if she was drunk. Brian was looking at Becca. Jenna was looking at her husband. Brian said out loud “are you being serious?”

Debra, slurring said “Yes…I want to see two big dicks!”. She then reached into her purse, and pulled out two $20s and a $10, waving it in the air.

Brian and Jenna’s husband both looked at each other, and then their wives. Everyone kind of shrugged their shoulders in agreement, the alcohol already making their judgement impaired.

“Fuck it” Brian said. “We uh…need our wives to probably help us a bit away from everyone else. Then, when we are ready…we can reveal”.

Becca’s eyes were wide as saucers. She and Brian didn’t verbally agree to this, but she realized the weight of the room was now heavy and she felt like they had to go forward. The $50 would at least cover the present they bought. She felt confident Brian would win. She even felt herself getting aroused and wet at the idea of showing him off, in a weird way, showing him as the bigger and better man to her girlfriends, their husbands and boyfriends. Maybe if he wins, they will give him a bit more respect and view him differently.

As Becca rationalized the decision, her husband made his way over to her.

Debra finally said “ohhhk people…” pointing to Brian and Becca, “you two go over there with your backs turned…Becca do what you gotta do for him, and you two go over there and do what you gotta do”.

Debra got up, tipsy and not walking in a straight line, to the kitchen to get a tape measurer. “I am, hiccup, the official cock scorekeeper for this, hiccup evening’s events”, she said as she giggled and went back to her spot.

After a couple of minutes, Jenna said her husband was ready. He turned to the group with some ‘wows’ and wide eyes as he was sporting a very thick big erection. This was the first cock Becca had ever seen in person besides her husband, and she felt a strange sense of arousal and warmth hit her when she saw his cock. It was very aesthetic and swollen. Her mouth watered a bit. He had a similar girth to her husband, but she already knew her husband had him beat, and that gave her a sense of pride.

Jenna used the ruler and measured her husband. Stretching out the ruler…the group looked on waiting for the final measurement. “Um…7 and a half inches” and then used it to wrap around his girth, trying to find the thickest part of his shaft. Jenna’s husband standing tall and confident with a smirk. “5 inches girth”.

Debra responded “not bad not bad….even though you told us 8 inches, he has a very nice looking cock”. Jenna’s husband looking a bit defeated in the face realizing his wife oversold him. What did Becca say about her husband, he wondered.

Debra took the tape measurer and handed it to Becca. She worked on Brian for a few more seconds before announcing they were ready. Still gripping his shaft, Brian turned and audible gasps came from the group, including Jenna. Even her husband had wide eyes and his erection already began deflating.

“oh my god” Debra said under her breath but loud enough for others to hear. Her boyfriend cowering and red in the face realizing his girlfriend was mesmerized.

Becca pulled the tape and after getting it accurate she announced “8.5 inches long” and proceeded to do his girth and stating confidently “5.2 inches girth”. Brian had a confident aura about him, feeling like the King of the world in that moment…the group still staring at his huge cock, the women with their jaws dropped.

Brian began trying to stuff his big cock back into his underwear as Becca walked over to Debra and snatched the $50 out of her hands. “Welp…I think we should get going…I think I owe my husband a celebration for his victory” Becca proudly stated.

Both feeling such a rush, they went home and had amazing sex. Over the next couple of weeks, they had sex about 6x, which was more than usual. However, the next couple weeks, things seem to dwindle with life and routine in which they only had sex once a week.

Browsing Reddit one night, Brian came across a comment someone left in one of the NSFW subs he frequently visited in secret. It was a link to Vimeo titled “The Girlfriend Game”. Curious, he clicked it and begin watching it. Just past the halfway mark, he heard Becca coming into the room and he clicked out of it. What he watched was really hot though, the idea that a wife goes into a crowded bar along and about 20 minutes later the husband comes in to try and “pick her up” and “compete” against other men flirting with her. Of course the wife goes with the husband every time, and they take out their passion and aggression on each other. He didn’t return to the video, so he never got to see what actually happens later in the video. He just thought the Girlfriend Game was for the thrill and passion for couples to spice things up. He started wondering if that is something Becca would ever do.

“Presents: A Christmas Tale”

“Presents” Chapter 1
by c.w. cobblestone

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The fruitcake wouldn’t fit in Elena’s suitcase, so I set the tin by the front door near the ski equipment, causing my bitchy wife to fly into one of her tirades. 

“Why is my mom’s fruitcake on the floor? You don’t put food on the goddamn floor, Roger — what’s wrong with you? Are you stupid?”

“S-sorry, honey, it’s in a tin so I thought—”

“There’s your problem right there: You thought. Don’t think. God didn’t give you the equipment — upstairs or downstairs.”

I hung my head and absorbed the familiar insults to my intellect and three-inch penis while my wife glowered at me with her nostrils flared.

“And, quit calling me ‘honey’ — how many times do I have to tell you that? It makes my skin crawl.”

“S-sorry.” I stared at my shoes, trying not to cry.

“Should I tell Kurt you won’t stop acting like we’re husband and wife still?”

I blanched. “N-no, please, I … I’m sorry. It’s habit, that’s all — I’m used to calling you ‘honey’ after all these years. I’m trying, but it’s hard sometimes.”

“Well, you better not let him hear you, if you don’t want another ass-whooping. Seriously, do want me to have him kick your ass again? I can, you know. All it’ll take is one word.”

“No, please, I …. no. P-please.”

“Then stop calling me ‘honey.’ I don’t love you, Roger. I love him.”

“I … I know.”

“Don’t give me that sad face. How many times do we have to go through this? You heard what Kurt said: If you want to stick around, you’re going to have to change the way you think about things. It’s that simple. I’m not your wife anymore, even though we’re technically still married.”

“I know. But it’s … well, the holidays are coming up, and—”

“And what? Are you trying to lay a guilt trip on me? Am I supposed to feel sorry for you because I’m taking him to the lodge to meet my parents? Maybe you forgot our little talk, Roger. Did you forget what Kurt told you after he kicked your ass? It happened right there where you’re standing. Did you forget already?”

I licked my lips. “No.”

“Did you forget getting on your knees like a little bitch? Begging me not to leave you?”


“Evidently, you did. We can stay married, Roger, since that’s apparently what you want for some sick, pathetic reason. But what did Kurt tell you?”

“Um, that I’m … I’m not good enough for you.”

“That’s goddamn right. You’re not good enough for me. You’re dogsh-it on my shoe, Roger. All those years before I met him, I kept it buried. But I never loved you. And you knew that. I mean, you’re not stupid; you knew it was your money. Right?”

I nodded, dislodging a tear from the corner of my eye.

Elena pouted. “Aw, now he’s crying.”

“I … I’m sorry,” I sniffled.

“Enough with the drama already. You need to stop this sh-it, Roger. If this is going to work, then like Kurt said, your job is to make me happy so I can concentrate on pleasing him. It’s all about him, and what he wants. I don’t give one sh-it about you — you’re here to make things better. For me and him. And you don’t make things better when you keep acting like we’re still married, Roger. It does the opposite of making things better — it pisses me off. Now, you either start acting like Kurt wants, or let’s just call lawyers and be done with it.”

“No, no, please, I’m sorry, Elena — please!” I played with my shirtsleeve. “I’ll remember not to call you that. Honey, I mean. I … I really am sorry. It was a slip-up.”

After a few seconds, my wife threw up her hands. “Why are you still standing there with a stupid look on your face? Didn’t I tell you to get my mom’s fruitcake off the damn floor?”

“S-sorry,” I muttered yet again as I scooted across the hallway and scooped up the tin. “Uh, should I put it in a bag or something?”

Elena rolled her eyes. “Jeez, you’re useless. Yes, Roger, put it in a bag.”

As I turned to retrieve a brown paper bag from the kitchen, a horn tooted twice from outside.

My wife squealed. “Ooh, he’s here. Go see what he wants.”

I set the fruitcake tin on the foyer table and trudged outside to greet Elena’s asshole boyfriend.

Kurt was halfway up the stairs by the time I opened the front door. He acknowledged me with a sneer and jerked his thumb toward his truck. “Hey, fat boy. Fetch my skis and the other sh-it from the flatbed — and be careful with that suitcase, numb-nuts; Elena’s gift is in there.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied, hating myself for submitting to the smug bastard so humbly. But one of the rules he’d imposed after kicking my ass in my own home was that I call him ‘sir,’ and show him respect at all times. Like a sap, I went along with it. I would’ve agreed to anything to keep Elena in my life, and I kept telling myself that calling her boyfriend ‘sir’ and kissing his ass while he disrespected and insulted me wasn’t the worst thing in the world, as long as I was still married to the woman I adored.

When I got back into the house with Kurt’s gear, he was snogging with my wife in the foyer. He’d been out of town on a construction job, and the lovers hadn’t seen each other in a week. While they made up for lost time by dry-humping in the hallway, I scurried off to retrieve a bag for the fruitcake. 

Elena and Kurt finally came up for air when I got back from the kitchen, and she asked, “You ready to go, honey?” I was flooded with hum-iliation at her use of the very term of endearment that had gotten me yelled at only moments earlier. 

“Nah, I could use a cup of coffee before we hit the road,” he said, nodding at me. “And I was thinking of having numb-nuts here give me one of his foot massages, too, if you don’t mind waiting a few minutes. We busted our asses on that Cleveland job, and my dogs are barking.”

Elena shrugged. “Sure, honey, whatever you want.” She looked at me like I was a bug. “I’ll have a coffee, too.”

I nodded and shuffled to the kitchen. After I served the hot beverages and sank to my knees in front of the sofa with the foot lotion in hand, my wife scowled down at me.

“He keeps calling me ‘honey,'” she tattled to her lover as she melted in his embrace. “I told him you don’t like it.”

Kurt bopped me in the ear with his socked foot, jarring my head sideways and causing me to see stars. “You trying to make a move on my girl, wimp?”

Elena giggled.

I snapped out of the daze. “Uh, no sir, I … I’m sorry, it’s just habit, sir.”

He kicked my head a second time. “Well, you better break that habit if you don’t want to be out on your ass.”

“I told him — we can go get lawyers right now.” Elena sneered at me.

“Nah, that won’t be necessary. Ol’ Rog is gonna be a good little fag. Aren’t you, Rog?”

I averted my eyes. “Y-yes, sir.”

Kurt pushed up the sofa’s footstool, snapped his fingers, and pointed at his foot. I hurried to obey his unspoken command, removing his sock and lathering his foot with lotion while he cuddled with my wife. 

“I can’t wait to give you your gift,” Elena chirped. “I’m not sure whether you’re going to like it, though. I think you will, but … ugh! I’m so scared you won’t.”

“I’m sure I’ll love it, honey,” Kurt replied. “Give me a hint.”


“Is it bigger than a breadbox?”


“Does it have electronics in it?”

Elena punched her boyfriend’s arm. “I’m not telling you, damn it! Stop asking.”

Kurt smirked at me. “Your wife is a bitch, you know that?”

I replied with a fake half-smile and leaned into my work, vigorously rubbing lotion into the foot of the man who’d stolen my beloved Elena.

Kurt pulled my wife closer. “So, Rog, what did you get me for Christmas?”

“Um, sir, I don’t … I don’t have any money, sir.”

“I know; your wife takes it all. Like I said, she’s a little bitch.” He kissed Elena on top of her head before turning back to me. “But that’s still no excuse for not getting me a gift. I’m the one who let you stick around when you begged Elena not to divorce you. And this is how you repay me?”

“I … I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t …” I bit my lip and continued massaging my interrogator’s foot. “You’re right, sir. I should’ve made you a gift. I’m so sorry.”

Elena glared at me. “Did you make me a gift? You better had.”

“Um, y-yes, I did.”

“Where is it?”

“In my gym bag.”

“Go get it.”

Wiping my hands on my pantlegs, I hurried to retrieve the wood plaque I’d spent hours carving and shellacking.

Elena smirked when she saw the inscription, and read it aloud in a mocking tone: “‘May you always find happiness.’ Aw. Isn’t that sweet? You know what makes me happy, Roger?” She turned and tongue-kissed her lover for a good 10 seconds before pulling away and leering at me. “This man makes me happy, you pathetic fucking loser. A real man.” She tossed the plaque to the carpet. “Now, go throw that stupid sh-it in the garbage.”

Kurt cracked up. “Damn, girl, you’re cold,” he said before snapping his fingers at me. “Do what the little lady says, and then get back on these feet.”

I don’t know how I was able to toss my gift in the trash can without falling into convulsions, but in less than a minute I was back on my knees in front of Elena’s boyfriend, dry-eyed and rubbing lotion into his foot. 

“So, Roger, we need to address your lack of gratitude.” Kurt wiggled his toes. “After Elena and me decided to take things to the next step in our relationship, who begged me to let you stay married to her?”

“Uh, I did, sir.”

“Exactly. You did. And this is how you repay me? You thought to make your wife a Christmas present, but not me?” He pulled his foot from my hand and kicked me in the head again. “That’s pretty damned inconsiderate if you ask me.”

“I’m so sorry, sir.”

Kurt snorted. “I don’t believe you. Are you really sorry?”

“Yes, sir.” 

“Then do you want to make it up to me?”

“Of course, sir.”

“Great. Soooo, I’ve been thinking.” Kurt leaned back and stroked his chin. “Remember when you got down on your knees and said you’d do literally anything I wanted, as long as I didn’t make Elena divorce you?”

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I answered in the affirmative.

“Well, then,” Kurt drawled. “How about you give me something special for Christmas? Something that’ll really show your gratitude?”

“Um … what, sir?”

“Your balls.”

Blo-od drained from my face.

Elena hooted. “You mean have him castrated?”

“Fuck yes, have him castrated. I told you — I don’t like sharing you with another man, even if it is a fat fag like him. It’s why I made him move his sh-it to the garage; I don’t want some other guy being your roommate, especially your husband. I know you don’t love him — that’s not a problem. But it would make me feel a lot better if he was a eunuch.”

My wife smiled. “Well, if it would make you feel better, honey, then let’s have it done.”

I somehow managed to croak, “I … but … please don’t do that to me.”

“Oh, stop your whining.” Elena scoffed. “People lose their testicles all the time. It’s not like you need ’em anyway.”

Kurt smirked and squeezed my wife’s tit through her shirt. “Yeah, Rog, don’t worry — I got that department well taken care of. Now, how about you get me a quick warmup on this coffee, and then do this other foot, so the ol’ girl and me can hit the road? We got a long drive ahead of us.”

“Ooh, I can’t wait for Mom and Dad to meet you,” Elena squealed to her boyfriend as I trudged toward the kitchen.

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Found a hung guy to join my gf and I for a 3some. He ended up completely dominating our sex life for the next 2 yrs

My gf and I were in our mid 20’s and wanting to explore sexually. We had already had a FMF 3some and had sex in front of ppl in a Las Vegas swingers club, A MFM 3some was a fantasy we both shared and wanted to try, so we placed a personals ad online looking for a guy.

When I placed the ad, I included some g rated body pics of us and several pics of my gf in a bikini. We were both attractive but my gf was a true smokeshow. She was a blonde hair, blued eyed Mormon girl from Utah with an athletic petite body. Great ass and perfect natural C cups. Her photos caused an avalanche of messages and after sorting thru hundreds of messages. A guy named Alex stood out, He was our age, handsome and said he had an 8″ cock. We both were hoping to find a guy with a big dick, so he seemed like a perfect match. We messaged back with him and eventually set up a meeting for a Saturday night.

The weekend finally came, we decided to meet at a bar and have some drinks. As soon as Alex and my gf meet, the sexual chemistry was instant and obvious. After a few drinks we were all buzzed, horny and headed to a hotel down the street.

When we got into the room, Alex and my gf start going at it immediately and I do my best to join in but they both seemed to hardly notice my presence. I decide to sit in the chair with my beer and watch for a bit. My gf pulls Alex’s pants off and starts to give him a blowjob. His 8 inch cock is absolutely impressive looking. It looks really long (compared to my 5.5″) and my gf seems to be happily obsessed with it. She sucks him in a way I’ve never experienced myself. Passionately sucking him, licking up and down his shaft and balls while occasionally looking over at me and smiling while I was stroking my cock in the chair. It’s really hard to explain how erotic that moment was.

I couldn’t take it anymore, so I stood behind my gf and started fucking her slowly while she sucked Alex’s cock. I could only last about a min before I had to pull out. I was so turned on and didn’t want to cum, so I sat back down in the chair to watch. My gf hopped on Alex’s cock and started riding him. She starts moaning, getting really loud right away. My gf cums within a minute or two of riding his big cock. I’ve never witnessed her cum so fast! I’m jealous but also incredibly turned on watching.

For the next hour or so, Alex and my gf fucked in a way that’s impossible to describe. He was truly talented in bed. My gf was quivering and having orgasms like I’d never seen. It’s like they were both completely lost in lust, every thrust of his long cock seemed to send her deeper into a sexual frenzy. Alex fucked her in several positions while I mostly sat in the chair watching. My gf would make eye contact with me a lot while I sat in the chair stroking my cock. It was so erotic locking eyes with her, while she was cumming on his dick. Occasionally I would join in to touch and kiss her while he fucked her.

After a while, I could hardly contain myself from cumming so I left the room for a sec to gather myself. I grab some drinks from the Soda machine down the hallway. I come back in the room and my gf was on top of Alex in a 69 position. I sat down in the chair to watch as my gf rode Alex’s face and sucked his cock. She was positioned right in front of my chair and I had a perfect view. I watched as Alex started to tense up and cum in my gf’s mouth. She tries her best to swallow it all.

Alex gets up to go clean up and my gf gives me a deep kiss with Alex’s cum still on her lips. I’m so turned on, I don’t even care. We make out for a sec and then my gf goes down on me. I cum almost immediately. We all clean up and say our goodbyes, already agreeing to meet 2 weeks later for another round.

My gf and I could hardly keep our hands off each other for the next few days. We were so turned on by the experience with Alex. It was by far the hottest thing we’d ever done. Even though we already planned to meet Alex in 2 weeks, by Wednesday my gf was asking me to message him to see if we could meet again sooner. He responded almost immediately and wanted to meet that night. We all agree to meet after work at the same local bar as before for drinks and go to the same hotel.

We repeat the same thing, drink till we’re buzzed and head to the room. This time Alex is much more aggressive and vocal. He fucks my gf very aggressively, again making her cum over and over. I mostly sat in the chair to watch but this time Alex was laying on his back, my gf was riding him reverse cowgirl while rubbing her clit. She’s looking me in the eyes as I stroked my cock. Alex tells me to come on the bed and lick her clit. I position myself between her legs and start to lick her as she rides his cock.

It’s hard to explain but it was as if all 3 of us felt so connected in that moment. My gf and Alex both start moaning loudly. I increase the speed of my tongue to match the motion of their bodies grinding on each other. They both are getting louder and I can tell Alex is starting to tense up, he lets out a loud groan and begins cum inside my gf while my mouth is still on her clit. My gf is in a state of ecstasy so I keep my mouth on her while she grinds on Alex slowly until he finishes cumming inside her. It felt extremely romantic and kinky as fuck at the same time. Again we all clean up and go home. I remember us both driving home in silence afterwards. Neither of us could hardly talk , we were both still in shock at how intoxicating the sex is with Alex.

This begins an almost 2 year journey. Our sex lives became centered around Alex. We would drop anything we were doing if he asked us to meet. He knew my gf was his to fuck anytime he wanted. Sometimes he would spend the weekend at our house. Ordering us into whatever positions he felt like. Sometimes I’d join, sometimes I’d just watch and film. Other times he would call up late at night and I would let her go over to his place alone. We even took him on weekend vacations with us where we would basically be focused only on pleasing him the whole time.

The sex was so incredibly good! We were both hooked on Alex. We were basically a Throuple but Alex was still fckn other girls. My gf was definitely his preference though. We spent alot of time together over the next 2 years. We never said no to anything he wanted to try. Eventually things kept progressing to more extreme sexual adventures together. Alex became used me being submissive to him and being able to have my gf whenever and however he wanted. This led to him eventually abusing the situation.

He would have my gf skip work, go to his place and fuck him while I thought she was at work. He had her join him for FMF 3 somes with another girl etc. etc. Even though I probably would’ve never said no to anything he wanted anyway, it was like he started getting off on knowing he could get both of us to keep secrets from each other. As time went on he started to get off on this aspect more and more. It eventually led to it all blowing up in a spectacular fashion. It was an amazing time while it lasted.

It ended in a passionate firestorm just like it had started but when it was over, my gf and I were changed forever.