The Risky Size Game – Part 1

Becca and Brian were a married mid 30’s couple, high school sweethearts. They relished in the fact they were each other’s first and only, something they considered rare and unique when compared to all their friends who had been thru multiple relationships, divorce even. They had two young children who always kept them on their toes, and like most marriages with kids, they had let their sex life dull to once every couple of weeks. Becca was a smokeshow for being a mother of two. She was 115lbs, 5ft 3, cute butt, cute perky breasts, long brown hair, and just a very sexy Hispanic woman. Brian, when compared to a lot of his male friends, coworkers, and former classmates was a catch. He was fit with some decent muscle, 185lbs, 5ft 11, very few grey hairs showing, a deep voice, and he was endowed. In high school, he never realized he was endowed outside of a few male classmates making ‘donkey’ comments. Once he got with Becca and their romance flourished, they took each other’s virginity. Becca never had any problem taking all of him, it seemed like they were fit just perfect for each other. Like most boys who mature into men, they often get a little bigger as well. Still, as the years progressed, their sex life always stayed hot when they actually did it, but Brian found he was having to initiate a bit more and more. Becca could have multiple orgasms and it wasn’t uncommon for her to have 10+ in a full love making session. Brian loved eating her out and dominating her in the bedroom. He loved pounding her into such intense orgasms she would often tap out. He loved seeing her get off, even if it meant he couldn’t finish in her. Sometimes she would have to jerk him off or blow him because she simply couldn’t take anymore. She still couldn’t believe she could take him.

About 3 months ago, they had attended a friends birthday party. Drinks were flowing, couples were getting tipsy, and games were being played from beer pong to corn hole. At some point during the evening, Becca and a few of the other ladies were all talking and the topic turned to sex. One of the girls, Debra, drunk as a skunk, admitted she wished her boyfriend was larger as she struggled to cum. This matched what a few of the other girls said too.

Another girl, Jenna, who was tipsy as well, chimed in. “Um..I think my husband is 8 inches. Sometimes sex is good but sometimes he struggles to last and I have to finish myself off” she responded, then her hand going to her mouth realizing how truthful she had been. “Please don’t tell him that, oh my god”.

Becca and a couple others didn’t really say anything, but Debra was persistent. “Becca, you seem eerily quiet…what are you hiding? ” she asked.

“Oh I just don’t like to talk about this stuff.., I feel like it’s private” Becca responded.

“Oh’s just us girls…we are out here embarrassing ourselves…please give us something!” the Debra said while a few others jumped on in agreement.

“Fine…it’s just I don’t have any issues there. Brian is…plenty enough for me. When we have sex…it’s amazing”. Becca retorted.

“What….is….his…size?” the Debra pressed. The other girls nodded…wanting some kind of juicy gossip out of Becca.

sigh Becca shrugged…. “He is big, I don’t know…he is over 7 inches”. Becca giving a bit of a white lie…not wanting to draw more attention to herself or her husband, hoping this will die down.

“BULLSHIT!” Debra yelled, a bit loud. This caught the attention of the guys nearby who were engrossed in their own conversation about sports. She then whispered to to the girls “Sorry! I just didn’t think he was that big, I always thought he was packing a bit, you know, smaller” she said, with a hiccup and giggle.

“Hey ladies…some of us over here are trying to have in depth important analytical conversations about the game…can you shush a bit” Brian said in a joking manner with a laugh.

“Oh shut up donkey” the Debra snickered back.

Becca looks at Brian, who is clearly confused by the comment.

“Huh” Brian says, not sure if it was some weird Gordon Ramsay joke.

Debra stands up, swaying and slurring her words. “Ohhh ok people…it’s time for a contest. Becca here claims her husband has a big dick, and I think Jenna’s husband is bigger! We all want to see them compare!”

“I said no such thing!” Becca responded, a bit startled by her friends sudden outburst and attention to the topic.

“You said he had a big dick…Jenna says her husband has a big dick…and I WANT TO SEE cause my boyfriend doesn’t”, she said with another giggle and a hiccup.

Debra’s boyfriend getting red in the face among the guys which included Brian and Jenna’s husband.

“This is stupid girls, nobody is doing this shit” Brian said out loud, with Jenna’s husband agreeing with him.

Becca’s drunk friend chimed in again “oh…sounds like two chicken shit men not willing to be real men! I’ll make it fun…$50 to the man with the biggest dick!”

There was a bit of silence in the room, as the offer made it a bit more real even if she was drunk. Brian was looking at Becca. Jenna was looking at her husband. Brian said out loud “are you being serious?”

Debra, slurring said “Yes…I want to see two big dicks!”. She then reached into her purse, and pulled out two $20s and a $10, waving it in the air.

Brian and Jenna’s husband both looked at each other, and then their wives. Everyone kind of shrugged their shoulders in agreement, the alcohol already making their judgement impaired.

“Fuck it” Brian said. “We uh…need our wives to probably help us a bit away from everyone else. Then, when we are ready…we can reveal”.

Becca’s eyes were wide as saucers. She and Brian didn’t verbally agree to this, but she realized the weight of the room was now heavy and she felt like they had to go forward. The $50 would at least cover the present they bought. She felt confident Brian would win. She even felt herself getting aroused and wet at the idea of showing him off, in a weird way, showing him as the bigger and better man to her girlfriends, their husbands and boyfriends. Maybe if he wins, they will give him a bit more respect and view him differently.

As Becca rationalized the decision, her husband made his way over to her.

Debra finally said “ohhhk people…” pointing to Brian and Becca, “you two go over there with your backs turned…Becca do what you gotta do for him, and you two go over there and do what you gotta do”.

Debra got up, tipsy and not walking in a straight line, to the kitchen to get a tape measurer. “I am, hiccup, the official cock scorekeeper for this, hiccup evening’s events”, she said as she giggled and went back to her spot.

After a couple of minutes, Jenna said her husband was ready. He turned to the group with some ‘wows’ and wide eyes as he was sporting a very thick big erection. This was the first cock Becca had ever seen in person besides her husband, and she felt a strange sense of arousal and warmth hit her when she saw his cock. It was very aesthetic and swollen. Her mouth watered a bit. He had a similar girth to her husband, but she already knew her husband had him beat, and that gave her a sense of pride.

Jenna used the ruler and measured her husband. Stretching out the ruler…the group looked on waiting for the final measurement. “Um…7 and a half inches” and then used it to wrap around his girth, trying to find the thickest part of his shaft. Jenna’s husband standing tall and confident with a smirk. “5 inches girth”.

Debra responded “not bad not bad….even though you told us 8 inches, he has a very nice looking cock”. Jenna’s husband looking a bit defeated in the face realizing his wife oversold him. What did Becca say about her husband, he wondered.

Debra took the tape measurer and handed it to Becca. She worked on Brian for a few more seconds before announcing they were ready. Still gripping his shaft, Brian turned and audible gasps came from the group, including Jenna. Even her husband had wide eyes and his erection already began deflating.

“oh my god” Debra said under her breath but loud enough for others to hear. Her boyfriend cowering and red in the face realizing his girlfriend was mesmerized.

Becca pulled the tape and after getting it accurate she announced “8.5 inches long” and proceeded to do his girth and stating confidently “5.2 inches girth”. Brian had a confident aura about him, feeling like the King of the world in that moment…the group still staring at his huge cock, the women with their jaws dropped.

Brian began trying to stuff his big cock back into his underwear as Becca walked over to Debra and snatched the $50 out of her hands. “Welp…I think we should get going…I think I owe my husband a celebration for his victory” Becca proudly stated.

Both feeling such a rush, they went home and had amazing sex. Over the next couple of weeks, they had sex about 6x, which was more than usual. However, the next couple weeks, things seem to dwindle with life and routine in which they only had sex once a week.

Browsing Reddit one night, Brian came across a comment someone left in one of the NSFW subs he frequently visited in secret. It was a link to Vimeo titled “The Girlfriend Game”. Curious, he clicked it and begin watching it. Just past the halfway mark, he heard Becca coming into the room and he clicked out of it. What he watched was really hot though, the idea that a wife goes into a crowded bar along and about 20 minutes later the husband comes in to try and “pick her up” and “compete” against other men flirting with her. Of course the wife goes with the husband every time, and they take out their passion and aggression on each other. He didn’t return to the video, so he never got to see what actually happens later in the video. He just thought the Girlfriend Game was for the thrill and passion for couples to spice things up. He started wondering if that is something Becca would ever do.